The modern state of Israel
  • Holocaust Center

Our travel portion of the journey has concluded, but our experiences and memories will always be with us. Below are reflections from the final days of the Legacy Tour.

July 10, 2012

Yesterday we traveled southwest in the direction of Tel Aviv. One the way we visited a unique farming program that educates groups on agriculture in Israel. I learned that Israel farms in the sand which is amazing and that the state has patented a few agricultural techniques. We were treated to fresh carrots that we plucked from the earth and tomatoes off the vine… all were delicious.  A handful of us even ate extremely hot pepper which was amazing and daring. I’m happy to report that all those who took part recovered from the hot peppers.I loved visiting the farm and it was wonderful to see how Israel has made lemonade from lemons (farming in the sand). However,  I already miss Jerusalem and its beauty and history. I feel at home there. To see where it all began, Judaism and Christianity is such a gift and means more to me that I can express in words.

This trip has been amazing and I have felt every emotion one can feel, both good and bad. I am so grateful for this experience, and I will take and share everything that I have learned and experienced … Thanks you Legacy for this experience and gift—I will never forget it!
Heather, College Fellow

July 10, 2012

Hello! The Legacy Tour is in the city of Tel Aviv. We started our day out by going through Jaffa and the old border of the different groups. Following the tour we headed to the beach…we were really excited. The soft sand was extremely hot! It practically burned our feet. The Mediterranean water was a perfect temperature, but very salty.

There were no sharks, but a couple of students had run-ins with jellyfish. I was one of these students. I got stung on my finger, but it didn’t hurt too much. After our wonderful time at the beach we went to the artists market and another shuk, and I had a falafel lunch with Chelsea and Heather. Everyone seemed to love the artist market! Mayan and Julia bought these cool necklaces and Eli bought the nicest candle I’ve ever seen. Later today, we are supposed to meet Helen’s family… I can’t wait!
Shabnam, College Fellow

July 11, 2012

We’re on our way back to San Francisco and I am super excited. I honestly can’t wait to get home and see my brother, but at the same time I am pretty sad to go since I’ve had such an amazing experience, and made so many new friends. My favorite part of the trip was eating at BlackOut* because it was such a new and the same time scary experience. It truly made me feel what it would be like to lose my sense of sight. The only difference is that it was only for a short amount of time. Now I am really glad I decided to come on the trip, because I have gained so much in a short amount of time and feel as though I have personally grown and learned more about the subject of the Holocaust than I ever would have otherwise.
Alicia, high school participant

*Nalaga’at is home to the Deaf-blind Acting Ensemble; Café Kapish, with its deaf waiters and BlackOut, the pitch-black restaurant with its staff of blind waiters. The “Nalaga’at” Center currently employs some 70 people, most of whom are deaf, blind or deaf-blind.

Posted by Admin on July 16, 2012