Remembrance and Reality in Israel
  • Holocaust Center

July 8, 2012

Today, we went to Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. It was absolutely magnificent and well thought out. The museum focused on the remembrance of the unnamed victims of the Holocaust. We had the opportunity to explore on our own and fill our heads with so much information. The countless photos of people before the Holocaust had a particular impact on me, because you could see the souls of the people. Their personality and humanity was crystal clear through those photos.

After spending about four hours there, we had a discussion with Gil Hoffman, a political journalist with the Jerusalem Post. We were able to ask many questions about the political climate in Israel today. He discussed such topics as the integration of the various religious groups as well as the tensions among different ethnic groups. It was an amazing opportunity and everyone left the conversation wanting to know more. That bursting desire to want to understand the world better, led to late night discussions about the politics and society here. Today was such an amazing day and it is bittersweet knowing this trip is coming to an end.

Alby, high school participant

Posted by Admin on July 9, 2012