Yom HaShoah 2021—Holocaust Remembrance Events

Join the JFCS Holocaust Center and the greater Bay Area community as we virtually commemorate Yom HaShoah.… Read More
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Holocaust Center Summer Learning Series 2021

Join our first iteration of “My Family Story” with Lisa Tabak sharing her parents’ stories of survival evading the Nazis by hiding on a Polish farm for 4 years.… Read More
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Re-Imagining Juvenile Justice (For Teens)

In this critical online event, teens will hear first-hand testimony about the juvenile justice system in San Francisco which is currently undergoing revolutionary change. … Read More
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Harvey Schloss z’l

A community leader for more than a quarter century, Harvey Schloss z’l devoted himself to strengthening children and families and the organizations that serve them. Harvey’s extraordinary work sets the example for meaningful volunteer service and purposeful philanthropy.… Read More
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The site of Auschwitz-Birkenau

The wooden barracks, stretching off into seeming infinity as the gaps between them are shrouded in a thick white fog, the layers of barbed wire fence with pencil-trunked trees and green grass just beyond the environs of the camp. The atmosphere here is just as I’d seen it in the recurring bad dreams I’d had when I first was taught about Auschwitz-Birkena through viewings of the film Night and Fog. Though I understand that this documentary isn’t used any more, it was the educational tool in my generation; and as we enter the galleries with the grotesque piles of… Read More
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After our first few days in Jerusalem I can honestly say it feels like we have been here forever…. like coming home again. Enjoy our photos and reflections… tomorrow we venture south to the Negev and then on to Tel Aviv.  You will notice the introduction of some beautiful photography taken by Alex, Legacy Tour college fellow. Quite impressive!  July 7, 2012 Israel- the final leg of our journey. When we landed in Tel Aviv, we recited the Shehekianu, a prayer for new beginnings. Being here is certainly a new experience for all of us! In Poland and Germany we… Read More
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