- How JFCS Changed My Life
JFCS changes lives in ways that are both big and small. Whether finding support in a moment of need, strengthening connections to Jewish peoplehood, or discovering a community that feels like home, JFCS makes meaningful impact for families and individuals at every stage of life.
For Tali Feinberg’s family, Jewish Baby Network provided friendships, confidence, and a meaningful way to celebrate their Judaism.
Tali Feinberg, Jewish Baby Network Alum:
“I came late to the Jewish Baby Network; my daughter was already two years old when we moved from the East Bay, where no such resource existed. What a difference it made! How I wish we had known about JBN when our daughter was born. We quickly realized what a valuable resource it was. The Jewish Baby Network has helped our family in three major ways:
First, it gave us friendships. Everyone we met was warm and welcoming, especially the director, Carol Booth, whom I am lucky to now consider a personal friend. We quickly found a new circle of Jewish families in the South Bay Area.
Second, it gave my family the confidence to practice Judaism in a way that feels real and meaningful to us. My husband and I both grew up in Jewish homes, but our families weren’t particularly spiritual. As a result, things like holidays and Hebrew school were dreaded rather than enjoyed. Once we had a child, we realized we didn’t have to “do Jewish” in the same way. We are proud that we now have a loving Jewish home, where Shabbats are celebrated, children are blessed, and gratitude is plentiful. I’ve even baked my own challah with my daughter!
Third, the Jewish Baby Network has connected us with the larger Jewish community. Now that we are alumni of the network, we’re exploring our next steps. We’ve had the opportunity to visit synagogues, JCCs, and Jewish camps in our area and feel grateful to have so many religious school options for our daughter in the coming years.”
Jewish Baby Network is a welcoming, pluralistic community where Bay Area families connect, learn, and celebrate together. Whether you’re expecting a baby or raising a little one up to 36 months, JBN offers friendship, support, and resources to help bring Jewish traditions into your family’s life. We welcome all families—including single, multi-parent, multi-faith, multi-ethnic, LGBTQ, and unaffiliated families. As a program of the Center for Children and Youth at JFCS, we also offer expert parenting support from birth through young adulthood.