Teen Mental Health

YouthFirst is committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of adolescents. We offer opportunities for both teens and adults to gain knowledge and skills to support one another, and to become advocates for policy change to address the mental health challenges facing today’s teens.

Opportunities for Teens

Peer Mental Health Advocates

Our Peer Mental Health Advocates are teens in our community who play a unique role at Jewish Family and Children’s Services in promoting the importance of mental health and building a culture of support and care.

Peer Mental Health Advocates will:

  • Certified in Teen Mental Health First Aid—a 3-session course that addresses common mental health challenges in young people and provides teens with an action plan to help peers who may be facing a mental health challenge or crisis. Teens also learn how and when to involve a parent, or other responsible and trusted adult.
  • Organize and host mental health awareness and peer support events.
  • Advocate for mental health-related issues in our State Legislature and build skills to effectively communicate and present ideas, views and opinions to others.

Please note: Registration for PMHA has closed, please check again in the fall.

Certification in Teen Mental Health First Aid

Bring tMHFA to your school or organization. In three 90-minute sessions, your teens can become certified in Teen Mental Health First Aid, giving them the life-long skills to recognize when a friend is struggling with a mental health challenge. Take comfort knowing that your students will be prepared to provide support for their peers as well as better cope with mental health challenges themselves and get assistance from a trusted adult.

For more information on how to bring this training to your school or organization, email Deborah Schneider [email protected] 

Opportunities for Adults Who Work With Teens

Certification in Youth Mental Health First Aid

Youth Mental Health First Aid is a course which introduces participants to the unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems in adolescents, builds understanding of the importance of early intervention, and teaches individuals how to help an adolescent in crisis or experiencing a mental health challenge. A 2-hour online pre-course enables this class to be taught in one 5-hour session or two, 3-hour sessions one week apart.

For more information on how to bring this training to your colleagues, neighborhood, faith community or school, email Debra Massey [email protected]

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