JFCS Tackles the Youth Mental Health Crisis: From Teletherapy to Educator Training 
- Counseling & Mental Health
- Center for Children and Youth
- Stories & Testimonials

When Amelia, age 12, started expressing anxiety about her social status, her mother, Dana, became concerned. Amelia felt that everyone had more friends, more fun, and better life than hers. All based on what she saw on social media. Dana knew she needed help after her daughter began to present a fake life in her social media posts.
Amelia refused to go to a therapist’s office, but was amenable when JFCS’ Center for Children and Youth (CCY) told her teletherapy was an option. The preteen is now making headway with managing her social anxiety.
Experts at CCY report that anxiety… Read More
Posted by Admin on March 9, 2022
JFCS’ Mental Health Services Expand as Depression and Anxiety Double During the Pandemic 
- Counseling & Mental Health
- Center for Children and Youth
- JFCS News

Ryan had been struggling academically and socially since the beginning of the pandemic. He had looked forward to high school. Now he was spending his first year of high school online, without opportunities to make friends. Academically, Ryan had difficulty with remote learning and continually lost focus, which quickly led to him falling behind. Ryan’s confidence plummeted as he ended the school year with a C average, having been a straight-A student. The teen became withdrawn and severely depressed.
Ryan is not alone. This month US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, issued a public health advisory on the mental health challenges… Read More
Posted by Admin on December 20, 2021
From Seven to Seventy-Seven, JFCS’ Mental Health Services Support the Whole Family 
- Counseling & Mental Health
- Center for Children and Youth
- Stories & Testimonials
- Seniors

Two Stories of Hope and Healing
Seven-year-old Maddie didn’t leave her house for an entire year during the pandemic. While her classmates returned to school, Maddie continued learning remotely and recently, everything from schoolwork to getting dressed in the morning has become a painful power struggle with her parents. Anxiety is running high—even though Maddie’s parents are vaccinated against COVID-19 now, the family feel afraid to leave their home.
Stephanie Agnew, Interim Director of Parents Place at JFCS’ Center for Children and Youth, is hearing from many children and parents who are suffering from anxiety as life begins to… Read More
Posted by Admin on May 18, 2021
Groundbreaking Sandra L. Schnitzer Resilience Fund Helps Young People Through Life’s Biggest Challenges 
- Donor Stories
- Center for Children and Youth
- Named Endowment Funds

None of us know what life is going to throw in our path. For young people who have experienced loss, trauma, a bad medical diagnosis or other difficult life events, hope comes in the form of the Sandra L. Schnitzer Resilience Fund—a new permanent Named Endowment Fund of Jewish Family and Children’s Services.
The fund, which has been thoughtfully founded by Sandra L. Schnitzer of San Francisco, will pioneer a specialized model of compassionate assistance to help children, teens, and young adults up to age 25. Individual grants will magnify and enhance the expert services already available through JFCS’ Center … Read More
Posted by Admin on March 22, 2021
How to Talk to Children About a COVID Diagnosis 
- Center for Children and Youth
- Grief & Bereavement
- Parenting

By Brittney Reiser, AMFT, Child Therapist at JFCS’ Center for Children and Youth
Receiving a positive COVID-19 test in your family or community can be frightening for adults and children alike. Young children, who may not fully understand what this diagnosis will mean for them or their loved one, might ask questions like “Am I going to die?” or “When can I see grandma?”
These questions may be painful to hear and difficult to answer. Parents and grandparents are likely managing their own anxiety, confusion, and uncertainty that comes along with a COVID diagnosis as well.
Here are 5 strategies… Read More
Posted by Admin on March 9, 2021
Talking to Children About the Violence in Washington D.C. 
- Center for Children and Youth
- Parenting

“What is happening, Mommy?” “Are we going to war?”
As we process the recent violence at the U.S. Capitol, our children may be asking questions that are difficult to answer. How should we talk to our kids and grandkids about such a difficult topic? How do we support them through stress, anxiety, and uncertainty? And how can we teach empathy, understanding, and respect so that future generations are inspired to build unity and to stand up against hate?
JFCS offers a wide range of expert guidance and support to guide families through challenging conversations and to bring our community together.… Read More
Posted by Admin on January 7, 2021