Moments of Connection: First-Person Stories from JFCS Volunteers
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Sharing stories is a powerful way to connect with community and learn about one another, and we encourage our volunteers to share stories from their experiences at JFCS. Below are some first-hand accounts of how our volunteers are changed by the beautiful acts of Hessed (kindness) they do in their work with JFCS and our clients. Donna Borok Moss/JFCS Marin Volunteer “For most of my adult life, I have been involved in the world of animal rescue. Being an animal lover, I have volunteered for many animal non-profits. However, I began to feel the need to give back to my… Read More

Posted by Admin on September 5, 2023
A Shupin Community Role Model: Weatherman Jordan Darensbourg
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  • People with Disabilities
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When several members of the Shupin Social Club were curious about climate change and the floods we were having this past winter, the Shupin Community was inspired to host an event to learn about the weather. A bit of creative Googling yielded a surprising gift: a neurodivergent weatherman in Texas. Meteorologist Jordan Darensbourg is a living example that neurodivergent kids can grow up to be whatever they want to be. Jordan has Asperger’s, which is a rare form of autism, and he uses this diagnosis to inspire others to go after whatever it is they set their mind to. “I’m… Read More

Posted by Admin on May 15, 2023
How to Fight Hunger on Two Wheels Like Volunteer Margie Baer
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Tucked safely in Margie Baer’s bicycle bags are fresh fruit and vegetables, proteins, and staples—essential foods that save vulnerable Marin seniors from hunger. For more than four years, Margie, a retired doctor, has delivered groceries from JFCS’ Food Bank to the doorsteps of local seniors. “It’s meaningful to bring food to elderly members of our community. Many of them don’t have family nearby to help,” says Margie. She smiles when recalling an older gentleman who would greet her each week with a new joke, giving the gift of laughter in appreciation for the food. Next time you see a cyclist… Read More

Posted by Admin on April 13, 2023
Vera Stein’s Family Tradition of Supporting Our Community
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Giving back to the community is a core family value for Vera Stein, a longtime JFCS volunteer and friend. Beginning with her father’s work as a volunteer with JFCS’ Utility Workshop, a pioneering job-creation program for refugees and immigrants, and continuing with Vera and her daughter, Deborah Hoffman—both active committee members and past members of the JFCS Board of Directors—three generations of this compassionate and community-minded family have helped to support JFCS’ mission. Vera and her family had direct experience with JFCS services when her widowed mother, Greta Livingson z’l, needed help at home. “The staff at JFCS’ Seniors At… Read More

Posted by Admin on January 20, 2023
JFCS’ Center for Dementia Care Guides Families from Crisis to Connection
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  • People with Disabilities
  • Seniors
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For decades, Alice took pride in preparing gourmet meals for her husband, Joe. When Alice’s memory declined and she forgot most evenings to cook, Joe didn’t have the heart to raise the issue. Their weight and health began to suffer. Worried, Alice and Joe’s daughters looked for help. A friend at synagogue referred them to JFCS. JFCS’ Center for Dementia Care created a “care circle” for Alice, educating her family, friends, and even her house cleaner about memory loss and how to help. Alice resisted each step in the process, but JFCS built her trust. Finally, Alice accepted that receiving… Read More

Posted by Admin on January 20, 2023
JFCS Builds New Lives for Ukrainian Refugees
  • Ukraine Response
  • Emergency Assistance
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Valentina and her daughter fled Ukraine in the spring. Shortly after arriving in San Francisco, Valentina broke her leg. In need of medical care and a place to live, she called JFCS. JFCS helped Valentina navigate health insurance and find temporary lodging with local volunteers. It took a while to find the right living situation, but JFCS was by her side throughout, providing food, access to transportation, job-seeking classes, and community with other Ukrainians in the area. “JFCS’ help allowed me to think and take steps to get back on my feet. They never stopped asking how we were doing,… Read More

Posted by Admin on December 22, 2022
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