Vera Stein’s Family Tradition of Supporting Our Community
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Giving back to the community is a core family value for Vera Stein, a longtime JFCS volunteer and friend. Beginning with her father’s work as a volunteer with JFCS’ Utility Workshop, a pioneering job-creation program for refugees and immigrants, and continuing with Vera and her daughter, Deborah Hoffman—both active committee members and past members of the JFCS Board of Directors—three generations of this compassionate and community-minded family have helped to support JFCS’ mission. Vera and her family had direct experience with JFCS services when her widowed mother, Greta Livingson z’l, needed help at home. “The staff at JFCS’ Seniors At… Read More

Posted by Admin on January 20, 2023
Bay Area Holocaust Survivors Find Joy in JFCS’ Café by the Bay
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Every Tuesday at 1pm, you’ll find Tzippi poised at her computer, ready to help Holocaust survivors participate in Café by the Bay. The Café meets regularly in San Francisco and Marin and on the Peninsula to enjoy art, music, speakers, discussions, and celebrations. Tzippi is one of 30 volunteers who help with everything from planning gatherings to providing technical support for survivors who join virtually. Each volunteer is paired with a “friend”—a survivor with whom they form a close relationship. Tzippi’s commitment to the group shines in the relationship she’s built with Rebecca, the 96-year-old “friend” she’s been working with… Read More

Posted by Admin on January 20, 2023
JFCS’ Center for Dementia Care Guides Families from Crisis to Connection
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For decades, Alice took pride in preparing gourmet meals for her husband, Joe. When Alice’s memory declined and she forgot most evenings to cook, Joe didn’t have the heart to raise the issue. Their weight and health began to suffer. Worried, Alice and Joe’s daughters looked for help. A friend at synagogue referred them to JFCS. JFCS’ Center for Dementia Care created a “care circle” for Alice, educating her family, friends, and even her house cleaner about memory loss and how to help. Alice resisted each step in the process, but JFCS built her trust. Finally, Alice accepted that receiving… Read More

Posted by Admin on January 20, 2023
Tania Albukerk Ensures Holocaust Survivors Have Loving Care
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Inspired by her grandparents’ experience as Holocaust survivors, Tania Albukerk, a longtime JFCS volunteer, and her husband, Larry, became donors to JFCS’ comprehensive, loving services for local Holocaust survivors. “We want to help survivors have the best possible years,” says Tania, who also helps to strengthen our community by serving on JFCS’ Program & Planning and Loans & Grants Committees. “Growing up, I felt immersed in the visceral, lived experience of those who had been through the horrors of the Holocaust and World War II,” says Tania. Since her three children and their peers do not have this experience, Tania… Read More

Posted by Admin on December 22, 2022
JFCS Builds New Lives for Ukrainian Refugees
  • Ukraine Response
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Valentina and her daughter fled Ukraine in the spring. Shortly after arriving in San Francisco, Valentina broke her leg. In need of medical care and a place to live, she called JFCS. JFCS helped Valentina navigate health insurance and find temporary lodging with local volunteers. It took a while to find the right living situation, but JFCS was by her side throughout, providing food, access to transportation, job-seeking classes, and community with other Ukrainians in the area. “JFCS’ help allowed me to think and take steps to get back on my feet. They never stopped asking how we were doing,… Read More

Posted by Admin on December 22, 2022
JFCS Announces New Partnership with IsraAID and the First Lady of Ukraine
  • Counseling & Mental Health
  • Ukraine Response
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The mental health effects of the war in Ukraine are acute for children and adults—anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more. In response, JFCS partnered with IsraAID, the Office of Ukraine’s First Lady, and Ukraine’s Ministry of Health to launch a national mental health and psychosocial support initiative. Through this collaborative effort—made possible in part by the generous donations to JFCS’ Ukrainian Emergency Relief Initiative—JFCS and IsraAID will provide mental health first aid training to enable Ukrainian staff to better care for people living in frontline cities, like Odesa and Kherson. JFCS has long specialized in trauma training and in… Read More

Posted by Admin on December 22, 2022
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