How Holocaust Education Will Change Hearts and Minds in California’s Schools
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By Dr. Anita Friedman, JFCS Executive Director and co-chair of the Governor’s Council on Holocaust and Genocide Education As we all can see, hate is surging at unprecedented levels throughout our society. Antisemitism is at an all-time high in California, and every week the JFCS Holocaust Center receives calls from local schools seeking guidance on how to handle hateful incidents. Now more than ever, education is critically and urgently needed to combat this frightening trend. The Case for Fighting Antisemitism and Hate Through Education Holocaust education was legally required in the California state education code as of 1985. Only now,… Read More

Posted by Admin on November 3, 2023
“Evil can only prevail if good people sit idly by.”
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“Evil can only prevail if good people sit idly by.” —Governor Gavin Newsom A new week has begun, but the horrors continue to unfold. Hamas’ genocidal actions have reminded us what true evil looks like. Approximately 1,400 Israelis have been murdered and almost 200 Israelis were kidnapped and are being held in captivity, as loved ones beg for their return. We are sadly witnessing mass suffering and loss of innocent lives throughout the region. We will not sit idly by. Join Us in Action JFCS is working closely with our sister agencies in Israel to provide direct humanitarian assistance including… Read More

Posted by Admin on October 16, 2023
How Your Support Is Helping Israel through JFCS’ Partners on the Ground
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As we watch this nightmare unfold in Israel—many of us heartbroken, or worrying about friends and loved ones—it is easy to feel helpless. But now is a time of action, and JFCS is working closely with our partner agencies in Israel to provide direct assistance including emergency food, shelter, and psychological first aid. More aid is urgently needed, and there are several ways that you can help: Donate to JFCS’s Israel Emergency Fund Double your gift through company-matching donations. Share our posts on social media Create a Facebook Fundraiser for JFCS If you or someone you care about could… Read More

Posted by Admin on October 13, 2023
Talking to Children About the Violence in Israel
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Over the weekend, Hamas—the Iranian-backed terror group controlling Gaza—launched an unprovoked and vicious surprise attack on Israel and its families. Hundreds of Israeli children, families, and elderly have been murdered or kidnapped to be used as human shields. We are heartbroken for the families who are experiencing this horrifying violence. And we know that this may be a painful and personally difficult situation for families in our community. JFCS’ Center for Children and Youth is here for you and your family with expert counseling, guidance for parents, and emotional support. If you or your child need support, please contact us… Read More

Posted by Admin on October 10, 2023
JFCS Stands With Israel
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We are all heartbroken by the unprovoked and vicious attacks that Hamas—the Iranian-backed terror group controlling Gaza—have made on Israel and its families. Hundreds of Israeli children, families, and elderly have been murdered or kidnapped to be used as human shields. We are horrified by these ongoing attacks. Jewish Family and Children’s Services supports America’s closest ally, Israel, and the right of Israel to defend herself, as any country would. As always, JFCS immediately offers urgent assistance when needed, and we are here for you. Help Israeli Families in Need If you are looking for a way to help, please… Read More

Posted by Admin on October 9, 2023
JFCS’ Immigration Experts Help Reunite Loved Ones
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Marcelo and Doreen's

Marcelo and Doreen

Marcelo and Doreen met in Buenos Aires in 2008. Marcelo was a journalist and human rights activist who had been wrongfully imprisoned by the military junta as a youth. Doreen was an author and poet from Marin. Both lovers of tango, the pair became enamored with each other on the dance floor of the beautiful tango ballroom at The Confiteria Ideal—but their relationship would become complicated by Marcelo’s path to emigration.

As a young student protesting the Argentinian government’s authoritarian closure of universities, Marcelo had been unjustly detained and tortured by the junta. And, since there were no legal divorces in Argentina when Marcelo’s first marriage dissolved 35 years before meeting Doreen, his divorce would need to be formalized. Between his arrest history and unresolved earlier marriage, it was not going to be easy to obtain a fiancé visa from the United States.

Marcelo and Doreen were determined to be together, however, so they embarked on the arduous journey through the immigration process. They faced a series of painful setbacks and delays, but they were eventually able to overcome the challenges with the help of JFCS’ immigration experts.

Marcelo with immigration card

Marcelo with his green card.

Brett Snider, an immigration attorney and the Director of Legal Services at JFCS, played a pivotal role in Marcelo and Doreen’s journey. Brett and his team helped Marcelo resolve the issue of his student arrest. JFCS’ Legal Services department also recommended that Marcelo and Doreen contact their congressperson’s office when the Covid-19 pandemic forced embassies around the world to close. An industrious aide was able to put them in direct contact with a closed embassy and schedule Marcelo’s required physical examination.

JFCS’ fierce advocacy and refusal to accept defeat were what Doreen and Marcelo needed to finally cut through the red tape. In July of 2021, Marcelo was granted entry to the U.S. on a fiancé visa. They were married three weeks later in a beautiful ceremony at Rodef Shalom Synagogue in San Rafael, California.

In July of 2023, nearly ten years after beginning his journey, Marcelo worked with JFCS’ Legal Services again to finally obtain his permanent residency card. Now, the JFCS team is eagerly on standby, waiting for the date when Marcelo is eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship.

Marcelo and Doreen

Marcelo and Doreen celebrate their marriage at Rodef Shalom Synagogue in San Rafael

When asked if there was anything they would have done differently throughout this entire process, Doreen said, “We would have reached out to JFCS right from the beginning. That would have cut two years off at least. Brett and his team really know the law around it. It’s not just immigration!”

Marcelo and Doreen’s story is a poignant reminder that love and resilience can triumph over even the most formidable—and bureaucratic—challenges. With the support of one another and the guiding hand of JFCS, Marcelo and Doreen are forging ahead with open hearts and an unwavering sense of possibility.

About JFCS Immigration Services

JFCS’s Citizenship Services help individuals and families navigate the complex immigration system. We provide legal assistance, case management, and financial support to help people achieve their immigration goals.

If you are facing immigration challenges, we encourage you to contact JFCS for help. We can help you understand your options and develop a plan to achieve your goals.

To learn more about JFCS Citizenship Services, visit our website or call us at 415-449-2906.

To donate to help more families like Marcelo and Doreen’s, visit

Posted by Admin on September 27, 2023
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