Allies at the Ready: How Quick Thinking Helped Build a Family Through Adoption
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by Michelle Nobriga, JD, MBA, Director of JFCS’ Adoption Connection For many aspiring same-sex parents, the path to building a family through open adoption was once littered with discriminatory, out-of-state legal barriers. Couples were often forced to make the heartbreaking decision of which partner would adopt as a single parent first, with the other initially labeled as their “roommate” on paperwork. The emotional turmoil was agonizing but accepted as the only option at the time. However, for some lucky couples in San Francisco, hope emerged when the city briefly issued same-sex marriage licenses in 2004. This move would eventually be… Read More

Posted by Admin on June 7, 2024
JFCS Financial Aid Helps Oakland Eco-Entrepreneurs Make Sustainable Shopping More Accessible
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When Matt Zimbalist and his partner started Re-Up Refills, they set out to make sustainable, zero-waste living more accessible in their Bay Area community. But bringing that dream to fruition takes more than just passion—it requires financial support. That’s where JFCS’ Financial Aid Center stepped in, with a loan that helped Re-Up Refills take its impact to the next level. The seeds of Re-Up Refills were first planted at Urban Adamah, a Jewish farm and educational center in Berkeley, where Matt and his partner, Carly, met and connected over their shared values around environmental stewardship. After years of patronizing… Read More

Posted by Admin on May 2, 2024
Keeping Family Traditions Alive for JFCS’ Shupin Community
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Jewish Family and Children’s Services’ Shupin Social Club participants recently gathered for their annual Passover Seder, continuing a treasured tradition made possible by longtime JFCS supporters Suzanne and Michael Berke. “Our connection to the Shupin Community is very personal,” says Michael. “My niece Lana had special needs. She did not live long enough to enjoy being part of such a warm community. We love supporting services that would have meant so much to her.” Passover is a favorite holiday in Michael’s family. His mother, Elaine Berke, of blessed memory, was an inspiring leader of the community and loved to bring… Read More

Posted by Admin on April 19, 2024
Jewish Baby Network Helps a New Mom Reconnect with Her Roots and Find Her Community
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Karina Rosinzonsky came with her parents to the U.S. from the former Soviet Union when she was ten years old. At the time, her parents reached out to the Legal Services department of Jewish Family and Children’s Services (JFCS) for help obtaining green cards and resettlement, but that would only be the beginning of Karina and her family’s journey with JFCS and the surrounding Jewish community of the San Francisco Bay Area.     A Hidden Identity in the Former Soviet Union  Growing up, Karina’s parents never explained to her that they were Jewish, but she was aware that she and… Read More

Posted by Admin on February 22, 2024
Peninsula Jewish Community Golf Classic Raises $23,000 to Support JFCS Peninsula Food Banks
  • JFCS News
  • Nutrition Program
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On October 29, 2023, local synagogue members and men’s clubs teed off at Crystal Springs Golf Course for the 2023 Peninsula Jewish Community Golf Classic (PCJGC), raising over $23,000 to support JFCS’ Food Bank and nutrition programs on the Peninsula. The Peninsula Jewish Community Golf Classic has been held for the past 13 years. In 2021, the PJCGC Committee saw a chance to leverage the tournament’s success into a fundraising opportunity. Since then, the committee and its collaborators have generously supported Jewish Family and Children’s Services programs.  When asked why the tournament selected JFCS as its beneficiary, committee cofounder David… Read More

Posted by Admin on January 11, 2024
Bridging Our Differences: How To Talk to Our Loved Ones About Difficult Topics
  • Counseling & Mental Health
  • Israel Response
  • Holidays
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By Robyn Bloom, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist at JFCS As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I have recently been asked for advice from folks who are worried about spending time with family members with different perspectives on current events, politics and—most recently—the war in Israel. With all the conflict in the world, peace in the home, Shalom Bayit, should be the goal—which can make it tempting to shy away from difficult topics. But there are ways to communicate that can bring us closer together and deepen our understanding of one another. When done carefully, with a willingness to listen… Read More

Posted by Admin on November 16, 2023
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