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JFCS has issued the following statement in coalition with the San Francisco Interfaith Council and our network of faith-based organizations. As leaders of diverse faith-based traditions we understand human life to be the greatest and most sacred gift endowed by our Creator. Inherent in that gift is the inalienable right to live freely and not in fear. The May 25, 2020, senseless killing of George Floyd, in Minneapolis, at the knee of a law enforcement official, sworn and entrusted to protect the public and keep the peace, is yet another stark reminder of humanity’s blindness to the sacredness of that… Read More

Posted by Admin on June 2, 2020
Eugene Fooksman: Full Circle with Philanthropy
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A leading pioneer in the software industry, Eugene Fooksman (founding developer at WhatsApp) is no stranger to paving the way to change. Looking to use his innovative vision and bold leadership to create positive social change, Eugene founded the Fooksman Family Foundation in 2018 to support the state of Israel and the continuity of the Jewish community. Originally from Russia, Eugene and his family were resettled by JFCS when they immigrated to the US over 20 years ago. Eugene’s deep connection to JFCS and commitment to strengthening the Jewish community came full circle this year, when the Fooksman Family Foundation… Read More

Posted by Admin on May 13, 2020
Lydia Shorenstein: A Leader During Crisis
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For Lydia Shorenstein, helping those in need is a way to honor the lessons of the past. Though she originally came to JFCS because of our Holocaust education programs, she is now helping lead the agency’s efforts to assist those in crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic. Lydia’s father, Simon Preisler, was an Auschwitz survivor who resettled with his wife Etelka in Germany after the war. Lydia, who was born and raised in Frankfurt, learned the importance of giving back from her father. Undeterred by the atrocities in his past, Simon became a well-known philanthropist and a leader of the… Read More

Posted by Admin on April 21, 2020
JFCS Ramps up Its Services to Meet Daunting Coronavirus Challenges
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Read the original article on jweekly.com > Anita Friedman thought she’d seen it all: wildfires, earthquakes, 9/11 and the brutal 2008 economic recession. But the longtime executive director of the S.F.-based Jewish Family and Children’s Services had not seen it all—not until the onset of the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, which she calls “the deepest and most profound crisis we’ve had to deal with in the last generation. This combines both a health crisis with a mental-health crisis with an economic crisis, and it affects everyone.” Having served the local Jewish community for more than four decades, Friedman is… Read More

Posted by Admin on April 1, 2020
Kathy Fields-Rayant and Garry Rayant: Visionaries for Children
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Kathy and Garry were introduced to JFCS when they sought prenatal advice at JFCS’ Parents Place before the birth of their first son, starting a decades-long relationship with the organization. They are now dedicated board leaders and wonderful supporters. When the couple met in San Francisco 30 years ago, they instantly connected over shared goals and values. These values guide all their engagements with the causes they support. Coming from families with similar Jewish traditions, both are also long-time supporters of the US-Israel relationship through AIPAC, as well as Tel Aviv University. Through their sons’ and classmates’ struggles at school,… Read More

Posted by Admin on January 31, 2020
Holocaust Center Fights Antisemitism in Cooperation with Bay Area Schools
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  • Holocaust Center
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There has been a recent and dramatic rise in antisemitism; from the shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue, to the stabbing on Hanukkah in New York. Attacks on Jews have increased globally, and locally as well. The JFCS Holocaust Center reports a 175% increase in antisemitic acts in schools and community spaces of the past year. As leaders of the Jewish community in the Bay Area, JFCS works diligently to combat hate and antisemitism. We find that education is one of the strongest tools in this ongoing fight. The Holocaust Center continues to play a role in preventing these… Read More

Posted by Admin on January 31, 2020
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