JFCS Loans and Grants Pave the Way for Future Heroes
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Anna P, Recipient of JFCS Educational Loans and Grants, Found Herself on the Front Lines of the COVID-19 Outbreak When Anna P received the JFCS educational loans and grants that allowed her to attend the University of Massachusetts, she never would have believed that she would enter the nursing field just as COVID-19 had begun its spread, in the epicenter of the pandemic, in a public hospital in New York City. Anna, whose family emigrated to the Bay Area from Ukraine when she was a child, moved to New York after college. After some career exploration, she discovered her true… Read More

Posted by Admin on July 28, 2020
Natacha Kolb: A Leader from Generation to Generation
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Natacha Kolb, who lives in Marin with her husband Marc and their two young children, continues a distinguished family history of dedication to JFCS’ work in the community. Natacha’s mother-in-law Susan Kolb is a dear friend of the organization, a highly respected community leader, and a notable former JFCS Board President. Marc’s grandmother Hannah Kolb was also deeply involved as a JFCS supporter and a leader of the Jewish community. Natacha, who grew up in Brussels and Paris, was introduced to the agency by her mother-in-law almost two decades ago, when she moved to the US. Having just completed law… Read More

Posted by Admin on July 15, 2020
In the Face of Loss, JFCS’ Israeli-American Volunteers Deliver a Vital Connection
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When COVID-19 hit the Bay Area, Israeli-American Jessica Hare knew she wanted to do something to help keep older adults safe. She immediately started looking for ways to volunteer and reached out to her friends at the Israeli American Council for ideas. They pointed her to JFCS, and after her first conversation with the volunteer coordinator, she knew JFCS was the right fit. Born in Washington, D.C., Jessica grew up in Tel Aviv, Israel. The decision to move back to the US came when her husband received an opportunity to temporarily relocate to the Bay Area for work. With two… Read More

Posted by Admin on July 1, 2020
Jacqueline Neuwirth and Stephen Swire: Lead by Example
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Jacqueline and Stephen Swire strongly believe in tzedakah and pursue their commitment through leading by example—on behalf of our community and for their children, Aislinn and Sam, as well. As our community faces the ongoing pandemic crisis, their leadership is needed now more than ever. Jacqueline and Stephen were introduced to JFCS years ago after the birth of Aislinn, when Jacqueline joined a support group at JFCS’ Parents Place. The relationship with the agency grew over the years, from volunteering with their children in Marin to serving on the JFCS Board of Directors, with Stephen completing a six-year term… Read More

Posted by Admin on June 22, 2020
Transforming the Future for Children and Families: JFCS Launches New Center for Children and Youth Website
  • Center for Children and Youth
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As families continue to endure the effects of disruption and uncertainty, JFCS’ Center for Children and Youth has launched a new website to guide them through. The largest initiative JFCS has ever undertaken in our 170-year history, the Center for Children and Youth is transforming the way children’s mental health needs are addressed with the latest international research, evidence-based treatments, parent education, and advocacy for public policy that help families thrive. The website features video advice from clinicians, expert resources from JFCS’ Parents Place, and resources for schools, clinicians, and policymakers. It also includes dedicated support for families as they… Read More

Posted by Admin on June 11, 2020
Alex Ingersoll and Martin Tannenbaum: Invest in the Next Generation
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Alex Ingersoll and Martin Tannenbaum are wonderful friends of JFCS who exemplify what it means to be dedicated supporters. Most recently, they chose to invest in future generations by making a generous three-year financial commitment to JFCS’ Center for Children and Youth. Alex and Martin were each inspired to become involved with JFCS because of the agency’s breadth of programming and effective and creative responses to community needs. JFCS also provides Alex, a convert to Judaism, and Martin, a Jew from Utah, with the opportunity to live their Jewish values of tzedakah and chesed, which also inform their philanthropic giving.… Read More

Posted by Admin on June 10, 2020
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