Heroes of JFCS: Volunteer Caryn Siegel Brings Spiritual Comfort to the Bedside
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Caryn Siegel, a spiritual care volunteer for JFCS’ Jewish Chaplaincy Services serving Stanford Medicine, has been dedicating her time to supporting hospital patients for fifteen years. Caryn offers her patients a compassionate presence and a listening ear. She also brings insight from a very personal experience. In 1987, Caryn’s son, Ilan, was born at Stanford Hospital severely disabled. Ilan was in and out of Stanford’s Intensive Care Unit for the next seventeen years of his life. Caryn vividly remembers sitting in the hospital with her husband, Mark, over the years—the two of them feeling very alone. When Ilan passed… Read More

Posted by Admin on December 8, 2020
JFCS Holocaust Center Confronts Rising Antisemitism
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Last month, an alarming incident in Marin County schools reminded us that antisemitism exists, even in our own backyard. An Instagram account associated with Redwood High School in Larkspur named specific Jewish students in Marin and asked for followers to contribute to a list of names. The account was titled “Redwood students organized (against) semitism.” This incident represents an urgent and growing problem—what has happened in Marin schools is unfortunately not unique. Acts of antisemitism have been reported in schools across the Bay Area, most recently in San Mateo County, and represent a larger, national shift. A study released Read More

Posted by Admin on October 14, 2020
JFCS’ Comprehensive Care Includes No-Interest Loans and Grants
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Mark Bely says that what he knows about JFCS is that it is a go to organization. When you need help, have questions, or want to give back to the community, you go to JFCS. Mark was nine years old when his family left Russia for a new life in San Francisco. His parents, Boris and Larisa, moved the family to be closer to Boris’ father, who had made the same journey a year before. With hard work and the help of JFCS’ Emigre Services, the three generations of the Bely family soon adjusted to life in America—Boris became… Read More

Posted by Admin on October 14, 2020
Big Acts of Kindness: A Community Push for JFCS’ Food Drive
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Just last year, Sarah escaped from a decade-long, abusive relationship with the father of her two young children. She was finally making ends meet on her own when she lost her retail job due to the pandemic. Sarah called JFCS in tears, worried that her sons—who had already experienced so much pain and trauma—now would not even have enough to eat. Sarah is one of thousands of people struggling to afford the cost of food and basic essentials who have called JFCS for help since the start of the pandemic. In fact, the need for food in our community is… Read More

Posted by Admin on October 1, 2020
Laura Robbin: A Leader in Action
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Laura Robbin is passionate about leveling the playing field for all members of society. Inspired by her mother’s involvement with a variety of community organizations, Laura cares deeply about improving education for underserved children and solving homelessness and hunger. Putting her beliefs into action, Laura tutors students at Eastside College Preparatory School in East Palo Alto in algebra and reading comprehension. She was introduced to JFCS after the birth of her younger of two children when she sought out support at Parents Place (now part of JFCS’ Center for Children and Youth) on the Peninsula. Her good friend Alison… Read More

Posted by Admin on September 2, 2020
Deb Stadtner: An Example for the Next Generation
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JFCS Board member Deb Stadtner is devoted to philanthropic work in the Jewish community. After a successful 20-year career in market research, she now focuses considerable time on building a thriving and meaningful community in Marin and beyond. When her oldest of 4 children started preschool at the Osher Marin Jewish Community Center (OMJCC), Deb began volunteering at the school. This experience ignited a passion for serving others. In the years since, she has become a beloved leader in the Jewish community—volunteering and/or serving on the boards of numerous organizations including the OMJCC (including as President), Brandeis Marin, Jewish Community… Read More

Posted by Admin on August 18, 2020
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