New JFCS Board Member Robby Kaufman is a Leader among Young Professionals
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“I’m excited to be an ambassador to younger professionals,” says Robert (Robby) Kaufman, one of the newly elected and youngest members of the JFCS Board of Directors. “There are so many opportunities to participate as volunteers and so many ways to access help.” Robby, the vice president of investor relations at FTV Capital in San Francisco, became involved with JFCS when researching his family’s history. Inspired by a summer 2017 trip to Poland, Robby began to piece together the experiences of his maternal grandparents, both Holocaust survivors, who had passed away. His research led him to the JFCS Holocaust Center… Read More

Posted by Admin on August 3, 2021
JFCS Helps Everyone—From First Steps to Last Breaths
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Eight years ago, Betsy Zeger’s mother, Maxene, had just gotten out of the hospital when Betsy’s father died unexpectedly. Betsy found herself completely stretched thin, trying to care for Maxene while grieving the loss of her father. Fortunately, a dear friend noticed Betsy’s struggle and connected her with JFCS’ Seniors At Home division. Betsy says calling JFCS was a turning point. “My mother’s quality of life greatly improved, as did mine, knowing that she was in such safe and capable hands,” Betsy recalls. “Her needs have varied over the years, but the one thing that’s consistent is the way Seniors… Read More

Posted by Admin on August 3, 2021
Continuing a Family’s Commitment to Repairing the World
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  • Named Endowment Funds
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“JFCS has helped my family and countless others in times of need,” says Howard S. Hahn, when reflecting on his recent decision to leave a legacy to help others facing hard times. “My parents raised me with Jewish values. Tikkun olam was especially important.” A native of New York City, Howard arrived in San Francisco for a visit not long after he graduated from college. He found a city and community he wanted to get to know better. “I never used the roundtrip part of the paper plane ticket,” Howard says. “I quit my job over the phone and stayed.”… Read More

Posted by Admin on June 9, 2021
Heroes of JFCS: Zhenya Friedman Takes Care of the Emigre Community
  • Heroes of JFCS
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Zhenya Friedman believes that the line between giving and receiving is very thin. For over a decade, Zhenya has dedicated her time to volunteering and helping others, and in that time she has touched countless lives with her warm presence and kind spirit. Yet Zhenya believes that she definitely gets back more than she gives. Originally from the Soviet Union, Zhenya volunteers mainly with JFCS’ Emigre Services, supporting members of the Bay Area’s Russian-speaking Jewish community. As a ‘Master Volunteer,’ she leads fifteen other volunteers with JFCS’ Food Bank in Marin County. Somehow, in between coordinating deliveries, managing client… Read More

Posted by Admin on May 18, 2021
From Seven to Seventy-Seven, JFCS’ Mental Health Services Support the Whole Family
  • Counseling & Mental Health
  • Center for Children and Youth
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Two Stories of Hope and Healing Seven-year-old Maddie didn’t leave her house for an entire year during the pandemic. While her classmates returned to school, Maddie continued learning remotely and recently, everything from schoolwork to getting dressed in the morning has become a painful power struggle with her parents. Anxiety is running high—even though Maddie’s parents are vaccinated against COVID-19 now, the family feel afraid to leave their home. Stephanie Agnew, Interim Director of Parents Place at JFCS’ Center for Children and Youth, is hearing from many children and parents who are suffering from anxiety as life begins to… Read More

Posted by Admin on May 18, 2021
Groundbreaking Sandra L. Schnitzer Resilience Fund Helps Young People Through Life’s Biggest Challenges
  • Donor Stories
  • Center for Children and Youth
  • Named Endowment Funds
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None of us know what life is going to throw in our path. For young people who have experienced loss, trauma, a bad medical diagnosis or other difficult life events, hope comes in the form of the  Sandra L. Schnitzer Resilience Fund—a new permanent  Named Endowment Fund of Jewish Family and Children’s Services. The fund, which has been thoughtfully founded by Sandra L. Schnitzer of San Francisco, will pioneer a specialized model of compassionate assistance to help children, teens, and young adults up to age 25. Individual grants will magnify and enhance the expert services already available through JFCS’ Center Read More

Posted by Admin on March 22, 2021
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