Meet Board Member Robert Rosner
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Robert (Bob) Rosner and his wife, Julie Goldman, are long-time friends and generous supporters of Jewish Family and Children’s Services, dating back to when they attended classes at Parents Place. “What resonates so much for me is the combination of Jewish values and social services,” says Bob, who recently was elected to the Board of Directors. “We love that JFCS helps families and children in need and the most vulnerable of our community.” Growing up in Palo Alto, Bob attended Congregation Beth Am. His mother was a special education teacher, and his parents raised Bob to have a strong Jewish… Read More

Posted by Admin on November 16, 2021
Mental Health Services for All Ages Expand at JFCS
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Susan was sandwiched by family mental health issues. Her father, Mike, had suffered from depression his entire life and now at age 78, was experiencing early signs of dementia. At the same time, Susan’s 12-year-old daughter, Georgia, started to display some concerning behaviors—she wasn’t sleeping, she felt unable to eat, and she started isolating herself from her friends. Susan was overwhelmed by worry as she tried to help her father and daughter through their symptoms, and began to feel alone and hopeless. A friend suggested that Susan reach out to JFCS to talk to a therapist about her stress. When… Read More

Posted by Admin on November 16, 2021
Meet Our Leaders: Valli Benesch
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As a native San Franciscan, Valli Benesch has been involved in the local Jewish community throughout her life. She attributes her deeply rooted commitment to giving back to her community to two things: “Being Jewish and the values of Judaism.” Valli joined the Board of Directors of Jewish Family and Children’s Services at the urging of her husband, Bob Tandler, who recently completed two terms on the board. Our community is fortunate to have the involvement of these two dedicated leaders with expertise in real estate, finance, and business and a wholehearted affinity for the JFCS’ mission. Valli, a… Read More

Posted by Admin on October 13, 2021
Hardship Persists—Help Us Care for Community Members in Need
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With compassion and generosity, our community came together over the last year to provide the highest quality care to more people than ever in Jewish Family and Children’s Services’ 171-year history.   Today, conditions are still uncertain. Recovery will be long—especially for the most vulnerable. Your help is needed to ensure no one is left behind.  Recently, Nina, a mother of two, was desperate for a lifeline.   Nina ran through her scant savings trying to provide for her daughters after her small business collapsed. With mounting debt, no family to lean on, and no clear path forward, Nina’s panic grew. Her… Read More

Posted by Admin on September 17, 2021
Welcome JFCS’ New President: Douglas A. Winthrop, JFCS Board of Directors
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Doug Winthrop has served on JFCS’ Board of Directors since 2007 and was recently elected as President for 2021 – 2022. A magna cum laude graduate of both Harvard College and the University of Minnesota Law School, where he was an editor of its law review, Doug clerked for former United States Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens before moving his litigation practice to San Francisco to join Howard, Rice, Nemerovski, Canady, Falk and Rabkin, which later combined with Arnold & Porter LLP. We recently sat down with Doug to talk about his time with JFCS and what motivates him… Read More

Posted by Admin on August 31, 2021
JFCS Holocaust Center Leading in Statewide Initiative to Expand Education and Confront Antisemitism
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  • Holocaust Center
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In an unprecedented public-private partnership, the JFCS Holocaust Center will partner with the State of California to respond to rising acts of antisemitism and hate. By combining private donations with public money, the JFCS Holocaust Center will lead an important initiative to expand Holocaust and genocide education across our state. Over recent months, JFCS has been working closely with key policymakers and community partners to advocate for critical action to combat hate in California. This month, a historic budget deal was signed—thanks to the leadership of the Jewish Legislative Caucus, led by Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel and State Senator Scott Wiener;… Read More

Posted by Admin on August 4, 2021
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