Isaiah Buffett-Davis Memorial Fund
- Legacy Giving Stories
Harvey and Shelley Davis z’l—May their memories be for a blessing.
The Isaiah Buffett-Davis Memorial Fund, created and named in loving memory of Shelley Davis’s stillborn grandson, provides assistance—both financial and practical—to at-risk pregnant women and their families. This support may include services such as counseling and help with household tasks, including cooking, cleaning and shopping, and childcare.
Shelley Davis used the occasion of her birthday in 1999 to establish a named continuity fund in memory of her beloved grandson, Isaiah Buffett-Davis, who had recently been stillborn. Noting that the Chinese character for “crisis” is also the character for “opportunity,”… Read More
Posted by Admin on February 20, 2012
Kay Family Marin Outreach Fund
- Legacy Giving Stories
Distributions from the Kay Family Marin Outreach Fund are used to increase the visibility of Jewish Family and Children’s Services in Marin County so that local residents can become fully aware of the wide range of services our agency offers.
Barbara and Barry Kay and their daughters, Julie and Jenna, set up their second JFCS named continuity fund, the Kay Family Marin Outreach Fund, to honor the JFCS staff and volunteers—past, present and future—who, by sharing their expertise and caring and by meeting continually changing needs, have greatly improved the quality of life within the Marin community.
As a JFCS… Read More
Posted by Admin on February 17, 2012
Joyce and Ernest Lampert Endowment Fund
- Legacy Giving Stories
May their memories be for a blessing.
Established in 1997, the Joyce and Ernest Lampert Endowment Fund helps make it possible for needy seniors to receive the homecare services they require to remain living safely and independently in their own homes for as long as possible.
By creating their named continuity fund at JFCS, the Lamperts honor the memory of their parents in a perpetual and meaningful way.
Freda and Max Steinberg, Joyce’s parents, had immigrated to Toronto from Russia when both were quite young. Once grown and married, Max went into the ladies’ clothing business, while Freda stayed home… Read More
Posted by Admin on February 16, 2012
Albert and Victoria Carsen and Etta Singer Memorial Fund
- Legacy Giving Stories
The Albert and Victoria Carsen and Etta Singer Memorial Fund provides direct and practical support for Bay Area seniors, helping to ensure that they are able to remain living safely and with dignity in their own homes for as long as possible.
Susan Carsen established this fund in loving memory of her parents, Victoria and Albert Carsen, and her maternal grandmother, Etta Singer.
Susan’s mother, Victoria Carsen, was a native New Yorker who maintained season tickets to a variety of cultural events until her death. Her many friends ensured that Victoria was able to get to the shows, concerts, restaurants,… Read More
Posted by Admin on February 15, 2012
Dollinger Family Fund
- Legacy Giving Stories
The Dollinger Family Fund will provide a perpetual source of support for individuals and families in need of critical assistance.
The Dollinger Family Fund was established in the summer of 2004 in celebration of Marci and Marc Dollinger’s 10th wedding anniversary. Marci, who hails from Memphis, Tennessee, and San Francisco-born Marc married on July 3, 1994. The family, who moved to Marin from Los Angeles in 2002, includes two daughters—Rebecca, who at age 8 had just completed the second grade at Brandeis Hillel when this fund was created in 2004—and Shayna, then 4 and a preschooler at the Jewish Community… Read More
Posted by Admin on February 14, 2012
The LGBT Fund 
- Legacy Giving Stories

The LGBT Fund permanently endows Jewish Family and Children’s Services’ LGBT Program, which offers targeted services for the Bay Area’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals and their family members.
A former JFCS Board member and chair of our LGBT Leadership Task Force, which advises the agency on strategies to grow and strengthen our innovative LGBT program, established this named continuity fund in loving memory of Stephen G. Perger and Donald Yaquinto. By doing so, she has permanently endowed a JFCS program that recognizes and addresses the specific needs of the area’s LGBT community, especially its Jewish component.
If you… Read More
Posted by Admin on February 11, 2012