And we are off…
  • Holocaust Center

After 20 hours of travel and a quick stop over in London we have arrived to Berlin! After crossing the international date line we entertained ourselves with games of ninja and airport yoga and snacked on fish and chips while passing the time in Heathrow.

Yvonne shares with us some of her first impressions:

So, today was the flight….10 hours is a doozy, but the time went by fast due to all our adventures. For dinner we had our introduction to a kosher airlines meal which meant somehow nearly all our food came out frozen, but who after all doesn’t love eggplant Popsicles? What made dinner quite interesting was the patch of turbulence we hit while dinning. Helen (our Holocaust survivor educator) was amazing and took it in stride. While we passed over the “bumpy road” I watched while Helen managed to balance her cup of water, and catch the falling drops without spilling. The water flew into the air and she caught it with her cup! Not only is she an amazing story teller, but her juggling skills are quite impressive. We are about to land in London…I’m loving this adventure already.

Stay tuned for stories and photos from our first day in Berlin. Guten nacht!


Posted by Admin on June 26, 2012