- Press Releases
Media Alert
What: A Tribute to Holocaust Survivors: Honoring Those Who Gave Their Testimonies
When: Sunday, June 9, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Where: The Palace Hotel
Why: Bay Area Holocaust survivors will be recognized for the vital role they have played as educators. Now all well into their 80s and 90s, the survivors have shared their stories of moral courage, tolerance, and social responsibility to younger generations in person and on videotape.
In addition, the JFCS Holocaust Center, which holds the sixth largest collection of video survivor testimonies in the world, and the USC Shoah Foundation—co-sponsors of this special program—will be embarking on a partnership to preserve these testimonies, many now aging and at risk of degradation, so that survivor accounts will live on in perpetuity and future generations throughout the world will benefit from their inspiring messages.
The approximately 1,500 testimonies will be preserved through high-tech digitization processes and will become part of the USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archives, reaching millions of students, researchers, teachers, and the public worldwide. The Foundation’s honorary chair is renowned filmmaker Steven Spielberg, who established the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation in 1994.
Contact: Robert Nagler Miller, Jewish Family and Children’s Services: 415-449-1294 or [email protected].