Fammy Awards Gala

The Fammy Gala was a great success. Together we raised over $1.25 million!… Read More
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How digital consumption is changing the way kids develop

Palo Alto Online News by Sue Dremann Like Robbie the robot in Isaac Asimov’s 1940 science fiction book, “I, Robot,” digital devices may be today’s nursemaids for children. And as a result, some kids are becoming more interested in playing with their computers and smartphones than with other children, according to researchers. Read More from Palo Alto Online News Read More
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Powering Off: Take a Family Digital Detox

At their best modern devices are helpful tools and can make our lives easier. At their worst they are remarkably addictive, and research now clearly shows that their use can lead to a host of behavioral, interpersonal, and mood issues for people of all ages. If you are reading this you likely have a young child or adolescent in your life. I have some bad news for you—for young children in particular screen-time has been shown to have negative effects on sleep (which can also negatively impact mood and lead to behavioral issues), social interaction and learning, executive functioningRead More
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JFCS Advocates for Young Minds in Digital Spaces

Social media has become an integral part of young people’s lives, but behind the screens lie serious risks that could jeopardize their mental wellbeing. Through impactful advocacy, JFCS is helping lead the charge to create a safer digital environment for young minds. Social Media Risks According to the US Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, social media presents a “profound risk of harm” to young users. Teens and adolescents who spend more than three hours on social media per day have double the risk of experiencing depression or anxiety—and the average teen user spends about 3.5 hours a day on… Read More
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Laura Robbin: A Leader in Action

Laura Robbin is passionate about leveling the playing field for all members of society. Inspired by her mother’s involvement with a variety of community organizations, Laura cares deeply about improving education for underserved children and solving homelessness and hunger. Putting her beliefs into action, Laura tutors students at Eastside College Preparatory School in East Palo Alto in algebra and reading comprehension. She was introduced to JFCS after the birth of her younger of two children when she sought out support at Parents Place (now part of JFCS’ Center for Children and Youth) on the Peninsula. Her good friend Alison… Read More
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