- Legacy Giving Stories
The Extend Our Happiness Fund assists people with food, weight, and body-image issues and/or eating disorders.
Joan Barnes and Steve Strauss married in 1996 and started this fund in honor of their union and the happiness it brought them.
A longtime JFCS friend and a former member of our Board of Directors, Joan had recovered from a life-limiting and -threatening eating disorder. Their named continuity fund was established to help others struggling with these same issues.
Within a year of their wedding, Steve began to experience strokes, which became increasingly serious over the course of a few years. Eventually, his capacity was so limited that he was moved into a care facility in 2001. However, his love of community, music, language, and art continues to bring him pleasure and delight, and Joan and Steve’s love for one another remains constant. She created this Legacy of Loving Kindness page in his honor.
Shared from the Heart
One of Steve’s favorite punning jokes: “Turn around,” he would often say to people. Then, when they had complied, he would add, “It’s nice to see your back!”
If you would like to start a Named Endowment Fund at JFCS, please contact development@jfcs.org or 415-449-3858.
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