Unbroken Dreams: JFCS Scholarship Gives the Gift of Opportunity
  • Education
  • Stories & Testimonials
  • Financial Assistance

Julie was always an exceptional student. Whether she was earning gold stars or straight A’s, she never failed to impress her teachers. That all changed for the worse when a tragedy struck her family, plunging Julie’s educational future into grim uncertainty.

Fortunately, with the support of her family and JFCS, she was able to find her footing, get her degree, and set out on her dream career.

Teenage and girl and mother look out at the beach

Towards the end of her 6th grade when she was eagerly looking forward to beginning middle school, Julie lost her adoring father to an undiagnosed heart condition. She and her mother were devastated. Julie’s attitude in class became closed-off and unfocused. Over the next few years, she lost interest in school entirely—her once-perfect grades fell and showed no signs of improving.

Turning the Page

Unsure of what else to do, her mother resolved to move the two of them closer to Julie’s grandmother in the Bay Area, taking two jobs to afford the higher rent. Once there, Julie’s family did their best to encourage her studies and lift her spirits. In an effort to get her more involved in her community, Julie’s grandmother, who was a regular volunteer with JFCS’ Nutrition Program, suggested she join her to help at the JFCS Food Bank once per week. There, she met other teen volunteers and began making friends again. With a renewed sense of purpose and belonging, she began paying better attention in school and thinking more seriously about her future. It wasn’t long before a happier, more engaged version of Julie was a senior applying to colleges.

Mother and daughter relax on the beach.

A Happy Ending

Wanting to pursue a degree in building planning, Julie applied for a program at her dream school. She was overjoyed when she received her acceptance letter, but a harsh reality soon set in—even with her mother working double shifts, she wouldn’t be able to afford the tuition.

Thankfully, she remembered learning about scholarships available from the JFCS Loans and Grants program. She applied and was awarded a grant that would bridge her family’s financial gap. Four years later, Julie graduated with honors and got a job working at a structural engineering firm in New York City, where she is working hard and living her dream.


JFCS helps hundreds of Jewish students every year achieve their educational and vocational goals by providing them with loans and grants.  

To learn more about what kinds of financial aid are available or to discuss financial planning consultation, visit our website or contact Michelle Lamphere, Director of JFCS’ Financial Aid Center. 


Posted by Admin on August 6, 2024