RJen Community

RJeneration SF is a Bay Area community of young adults who emigrated from the former Soviet Union as children. “Rjens” share a second culture and language, a Jewish heritage, Russian roots, and a defining experience of immigration and assimilation.

RJen members (mainly in their 20s, 30s, and 40s) come together to share, learn, volunteer, and socialize. Through their interests and shared experiences, the community hosts social and educational programs like mixers, lectures, panels, film and book discussions, heritage trips, and more.

The RJen Family program offers a unique opportunity for families to come together and explore Jewish heritage, traditions, and values while connecting with each other in raising the next generation.

Some common signs that the RJen community might be a right fit for you:

•    Your parents speak to you in Russian and you answer them in English
•    You had to figure out being Jewish while you were busy figuring out being American
•    You’re not comfortable speaking Russian because you can’t fully express yourself without switching to English
•    You’ve had the thought before, “Wouldn’t it be great to read Dostoevsky in Russian?”
•    You’re a highly assimilated “Russian-in-hiding” and have spent most of your life avoiding Russian gatherings
•    You may know some Russian-Jewish-American “hybrids” like yourself but never had a community to interact together

Find us on Facebook! Join the RJeneration SF Facebook Group and follow the RJenerationSF Events Page.


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  • San Francisco
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